Meet The Hive

What is the LDOS “Hive”?

While some radio shows have writer/editor “staffs,” we consider the Loh Down on Science to be run by a “Hive.” The term was coined to invoke a community mentality where the ideas of the writers and editors are copacetic with that of Sandra Tsing Loh, our Queen Bee and program host. (Sandra’s note, delivered in eerie third person: “From LDOS’ first day with the fine grad students at UC Irvine (Zot Zot!), it was clear that Sandra was in exceptional company. The LDOS Fellows’ mastery of everything ranging from the subtle differences of “absorption” versus “adsorption” to the intricacies of Google drives made them hyper-capable of organizing themselves. Sandra typically just brings doughnuts.”) This form of “Hive” mind management enables the Loh Down on Science to continually produce radio-ready scripts that are both scientifically accurate and a loads of fun to hear. Buzz Buzz!

Sarah Block
Degrees Biography Why is science communication important to you?
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Torin Dupper
Degrees Ph.D., Chemistry, UCI, 2019 expected BA, Chemistry, Northwestern University, 2014 Research Germanium Nanocrystal Synthesis and Assembly of Nanocrystal-based Thermoelectric
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Lauren Fleming
Degrees MS, Ph.D., Chemistry, UCI, 2019 expected BA, Chemistry, The College of Wooster, 2014 Research Climate-relevant molecules in biomass smoke
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Victoria Lim
Degrees Biography Why is science communication important to you?
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Priyam Patel
Degrees Biography Why is science communication important to you?
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Alberto Soto
Degrees Ph.D., Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, UCI, 2019 expected MS, Mathematics, UCI, 2014 BS, Applied Mathematics, Cal Poly Pomona, 2012
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William Thrift
Degrees Biography Why is science communication important to you?
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Van Wifvat
Degrees Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, UCI, 2019 expected MS, Mechanical Engineering, UCI, 2016 BS, Mechanical Engineering, University of Saint Thomas, 2013
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