Shock Treatment

[Bzzzzzz……} Omigosh, do you hear that, or is it just me? This is Sandra Tsing Loh with the Loh Down on Science. Fifteen percent of the population suffers from a constant buzzing sound in their ear. It’s known as tinnitus. The ringing sound is caused by over-excited FUSIFORM (FEW-si-form) cells


So you think you can dance . . . your way out of pain? This is Sandra Tsing Loh with the Loh Down on Science. Meet Bronwyn Tarr from the University of Oxford. She invited two-hundred-and-sixty teenagers to a sciencey dance party. Half of them learned really energetic full-body dance

Gettin’ Hangry

Introducing hanger. Part hunger, part anger, let’s party! This is Sandra Tsing Loh with the Loh Down on Science, saying: You know what I’m talking about. Now, don’t get hangry with me. Point is, it’s hard to be nice when your stomach is growling. Why? A dietician at Texas A&M

How Do You Spell Zika?

This is Sandra Tsing Loh with the Loh Down on Science. Who doesn’t love a spelling bee? Cute middle-schoolers lisping out words like Xanthosis and Logorrhea! But spelling is vital inside living organisms too! Why? See, cells need proteins to work properly. And these proteins are coded by molecules in

Man Flu

Sure, women know the pain of giving birth, but they’ve never been stricken by the Man Flu! This is Sandra Tsing Loh with the Loh Down on Science. Say you, or someone you love, is bedridden with a cold. Completely debilitated. It’s a condition affectionately called the “man flu.” Are

This Little Piggy

Which piggy went to market? Which piggy stayed home? This is Sandra Tsing Loh with the Loh Down on Science. Turns out that if we don’t look at our toes, we have trouble telling them apart by feel. Or so say Oxford University researchers. In their study, subjects closed their

Giraffe Gab

I still don’t know what the fox says. Giraffes, though, are another story! This is Sandra Tsing Loh with the Loh Down on Science. Cats meow. Dogs bark. A sound has never been ascribed to giraffes, though. Until now. Austrian researchers painstakingly recorded – and analyzed – almost one thousand

Brain Drain

Could the fountain of youth actually be in our brains? This is Sandra Tsing Loh with the Loh Down on Science. We all yearn for the glory days of our youth. Sadly, time and age only go one way. But what if there was a cure to kick those grays

Break Job

Hey, is there something wrong with your breaks? This is Sandra Tsing Loh with the Loh Down on Science, with the latest on how to maximize your downtime! During the workday, we all need breaks – snack breaks, lunch breaks, second lunch breaks. But researchers from Baylor University’s business school

How Do You Goo?

Want a glue that sticks? Just scare a slug! This is Sandra Tsing Loh with the Loh Down on Science. When you cut your skin open, stitches and staples have you covered. But what keeps you together when the incision is INSIDE your body? Jianyu Li [JEEAHN-you LEE] and colleagues